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Rolling Trays & Mixing Trays

Roll trays are the ideal partner when it comes to rolling (sports) cigarettes. Because rolling can sometimes be stressful, everything gets mixed up at once and suddenly something is missing. With our roll trays and mixing bowls, you can bring order back into your smoking life. Whether at the living room table in a homely atmosphere or on your knees when you're out and about, our roll trays give you security and provide an excellent base for rolling. This way, you'll be able to enjoy your cigarettes again. Take your time to browse through our colourful selection of roll trays and see which one appeals to you.


18,90 20,90 incl. VAT
22,90 24,90 incl. VAT
13,90 14,90 incl. VAT
12,90 14,90 incl. VAT
14,90 15,90 incl. VAT
19,50 29,90 incl. VAT
10,50 19,90 incl. VAT
24,90 29,90 incl. VAT
9,90 12,90 incl. VAT
9,90 - 19,90 incl. VAT
9,90 - 14,90 incl. VAT
14,90 19,90 incl. VAT
12,90 18,90 incl. VAT
9,90 16,90 incl. VAT
24,90 27,90 incl. VAT
13,90 14,90 incl. VAT
44,90 49,90 incl. VAT
9,90 12,90 incl. VAT
9,90 12,90 incl. VAT
7,90 9,90 incl. VAT
9,90 12,90 incl. VAT
7,90 9,90 incl. VAT
7,90 9,90 incl. VAT
9,90 12,90 incl. VAT
9,90 12,90 incl. VAT
12,90 19,90 incl. VAT
33,90 35,90 incl. VAT
9,90 - 12,90 incl. VAT
79,90 incl. VAT 67,92 incl. VAT
59,90 incl. VAT 50,92 incl. VAT
9,90 12,90 incl. VAT

Why use a roll tray / mixing tray?

Roll trays, also called mixing trays, are used to collect the small parts that are produced when rolling a cigarette and thus provide order on the living room table. Most mixing trays are made of either metal or wood.

The metal models are usually simply shaped like a tray. The wooden trays, on the other hand, are made of plates with large, flat areas milled out on one side to provide the perfect base for your rolling needs.

Buy Roll Trays and Mixing Trays at Donaulife Headshop

Rolling trays and mixing trays are indispensable tools for smokers who use herbs or tobacco. Rolling trays are flat surfaces on which smokers can roll their cigarettes or joints. Mixing trays, on the other hand, are bowls or containers in which smokers can mix tobacco or herbs.

Rolling trays come in many different materials and sizes. Some are made of metal, plastic or wood and can have different designs or patterns. Others may also have additional features, such as a compartment for rolling paper or an integrated ashtray. Some rolling trays are small and portable, while others are larger and can be placed on a table or surface.

Mixing bowls are also available in different materials and sizes. Glass and ceramic are common materials for mixing bowls, which are also available in different designs. Some mixing bowls also have a special shape or structure to facilitate the mixing of tobacco or herbs.

Both rolling trays and mixing trays are extremely useful for enhancing your smoking experience. They help keep herbs and tobacco organized and make it easier to mix and roll cigarettes and joints. In addition, they are also easy to clean and can be reused many times.

Overall, rolling trays and mixing trays are essential tools for any smoker. Whether you're an experienced smoker or just starting out, these products will help you keep your herbs and tobacco organized and close at hand. There are many different options to choose from to ensure you find the perfect product for your needs.