Legalisierung in Deutschand – Alles was du dazu wissen musst

Es ist soweit! Ab 1. April soll das langjährige Verbot von Cannabis in Deutschland enden und der Gebrauch für Erwachsene teilweise legal werden. Ein wichtiger Meilenstein für die gesamte grüne Community und für uns Anlass die wichtigsten Informationen über die kommende Legalisierung zusammenzufassen. Was darf ich als Konsument? Wie viel Gramm darf ich besitzen? Wo […]

Chillum measurement - How to find a suitable tube!

How to find the right Chillum for you! Again and again we receive sad news about broken chillums. We know all too well about the annoying circumstances when you want to smoke a relaxed head and suddenly the bong goes on strike. We are happy to help you with this problem! With us you will find a large selection of chillums no matter [...].

Store and preserve cannabis properly! Everything you need to know about the best way to store cannabis to keep your weed fresh. (guest post)

Anyone who has ever bought a large supply of flowers knows the situation. Where to put all the beautiful and, above all, fragrant buds? You will certainly find some ideas in the storage category. But one product in particular has convinced us! That's why we decided to dedicate a separate blog article to it. Marc Schmitt from [...]

Cleaning grinders can be so easy if you know how!

A grinder is an essential part of every green herb lover's household. In principle, grinders are long-lasting companions, provided they are used correctly and regularly given the necessary care and cleaning. This is necessary because a layer of resin builds up relatively quickly in the herb grinder when grinding herbs that are still rather "moist" [...].

Vaporising herbs the right way - the optimal vaporizer temperatures

Vaporizer temperature herbs

One way to get to know your vaporizer better is to experiment with the temperature settings. These experiments are, after all, joyful research. However, a far more scientific approach is to know the boiling points of the different ingredients and their properties. This is what we call fun applied science! What is the best possible vaporizer temperature? Before we dive right into the depths of [...]

5 good reasons why you should use a vaporizer!

The vaporizer is known by many names. You can also call it a vaporiser or vaporiser. In principle, it does exactly what its name suggests - it vaporises substances. To be more precise, direct vaporisation takes place in the vaporizer, as the substances (herbs, flowers, oils, etc.) are vaporised in their entirety. The selected substance should preferably be [...]

CBD oil extraction made easy!

Um Öl aus CBD Blüten herzustellen, wird eines von zwei Verfahren verwendet. Diese werden als “offen” und “geschlossen” bezeichnet. Die offene Methode ist die am häufigsten verwendete Methode. Hierbei wird ein Glas- oder Edelstahlrohr mit CBD Blüten befüllt und eine Extraktionslösung (z.B. Dexso) hindurchgeleitet. Dies lässt ein dickflüssiges gelb-oranges Öl aus der Unterseite des Rohres […]

The male hemp plant - weed or beneficial insect?

Male hemp plant

The male cannabis plant is probably rarely seen. In grow shops, only female plants are sold, as the THC and CBD content of a male cannabis plant is significantly lower than that of a female. But this plant has many other unique uses outside of grow shops. We will tell you about these in the second section of our post. [...]

Activated carbon filter joint: waste or smoking pleasure?

Smoking is harmful - okay, we know. But did you know that there are over 600 different pollutants in tobacco smoke, some of which are even suspected of causing cancer? Nicotine, tar, arsenic, polonium and nickel are just a few and probably the best known. The combustion process also produces harmful gases such as nitrosamines, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide compounds. Listen [...]