CBD flowers enjoy growing popularity throughout the German-speaking world. The demand for the legal green herb is growing and at the same time the demand for quality is increasing. Quality is our top priority. That's why you will find CBD flowers of the highest quality directly from our trusted hemp farmers.


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In countries where cannabis is still illegal, the popularity of CBD flowers is growing steadily. But what is the reason for this? On the one hand, they have positive effects on physical and psychological ailments such as inflammation and anxiety. On the other hand, unlike cannabis, they are legal as long as the THC content is below a certain limit. In addition, CBD does not have a psychoactive effect, therefore does not lead to a state of intoxication and therefore does not restrict any senses, abilities to act, etc. But what are the legal limits? The limit value of THC for CBD products is below 0.2 percent in Germany and below 0.3 percent in Austria. In general, CBD products with a THC content below 0.2 percent are considered legal throughout the EU.

The quality of our CBD flowers

These products come from nature and, accordingly, should still be natural when purchased. Therefore, we pay attention to an organic cultivation method for our sourced blossoms. Any chemical influences could have an impact on the flowers, which could bind and pass on parts of these substances. That is why our hemp farmers do not use pesticides or herbicides. The flowers should be pure and natural - there is no place for chemicals. Furthermore, our hemp farmers only plant EU certified commercial hemp varieties. Thus, a quality feature is already given from the beginning, which continues until flowering. Finally, a gentle drying process ensures the ideal aroma.

We do not give recommendations for the use of CBD products of any kind. For this we recommend contacting and consulting a doctor. Our CBD flowers may not be consumed in any way. Any utilization is prohibited.

Buy CBD flowers at Donaulife Headshop