3 good reasons to get a pre-cooler for your bong

Bong precooler

Everyone knows it, the destructive puff from the bong. Many a person has thrown in the towel after their first experience with the sometimes dreaded water pipe. But for a few years now, there has been a small but quite sensible extension to the long-established smoking instrument on the market. In this blog article, I will take a closer look at the pre-cooler [...].

Weed and Stoner Tunes for your next Sesh by Donaulife

Weed and Stoner Tunes

Are you looking for a chilling playlist? Here you can find a selection of our staff's favourite tracks! We have created a Spotify playlist for you: http://tiny.cc/donaulifespotify Update 11.02.2019: Here is the Youtube playlist: http://tiny.cc/youtubeweed Help us to expand the playlist - send us your favourite chill songs! Every submission will be checked and [...]

5 important cannabinoids and what they can do!


Cannabinoide sind chemische Verbindungen die hauptsächlich in den Hanfplanzen “Cannabis Sativa” und “Cannabis Indica” vorkommen. Die verschiedenen Cannabinoide binden an Cannabinoid Rezeptoren an und verändern so die Gehirnaktivität. Ihre Wirkung entfalten sie durch die Ähnlichkeit zu körpereigenen Substanzen, die verschiedene Teile des Körpers regulieren wie z.B. das Immunsystem, die Stimmung, den Hunger und das Schmerzempfinden. […]