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Whether you're into blunts, bongs, pipes or rolling your own, without the right lighter the enjoyment is limited to smelling and looking. Here you will find a wide selection of lighters for your favourite smoke variation. Whether Clipper or Hemp Wick with our product selection, you'll always have a light on!


4,90 5,90 incl. VAT
9,90 12,90 incl. VAT
1,80 2,00 incl. VAT
1,80 2,00 incl. VAT
1,80 2,00 incl. VAT
1,80 2,00 incl. VAT
1,80 2,00 incl. VAT
1,80 2,00 incl. VAT
1,80 2,00 incl. VAT
1,80 2,00 incl. VAT
24,90 29,90 incl. VAT
11,90 - 19,90 incl. VAT
1,55 2,49 incl. VAT

What kind of lighters are there?

There are different types of kindling designed for different purposes and needs. Here are some of the most common types of kindling:

  1. Lighters: Lighters are probably the best known type of lighter. They come in various sizes and shapes, from disposable to rechargeable. Lighters are especially handy for outdoor use and in windy weather.

  2. Matches: Matches are another common type of lighter. They consist of a wooden stick and a phosphorous coating that ignites when rubbed against a rough surface. There are several types of matches, including safety matches, which are more difficult to ignite but safer to handle.

  3. Electronic lighters: Electronic lighters use an electric spark discharge to ignite the lighter. They are easy to use and do not require a flame, which makes them safer and more practical.

  4. Hemp Wicks: Hemp wicks have become increasingly popular in recent years and are used by many people as an alternative to the classic butane gas lighter. These wicks are made of hemp fibers and wax, are biodegradable and offer an environmentally friendly way to light your herbs or tobacco.

  5. Stick lighters: Stick lighters are long-handled lighters that can be used for hard-to-reach places or deep candles. They are practical and safer to use than regular lighters because they reduce the risk of burns.

  6. Pipe lighters: Pipe lighters are specifically designed for use by pipe smokers. They are usually equipped with a tamper and a cleaning tool and often use a gentler flame to ignite the tobacco product.

Clipper and other lighters

Clipper is a brand of lighters that is widely used in Europe. The lighters are known for their eye-catching designs, eco-friendly features and versatility. In this text we will look more deeply into the history of Clipper and the features of their lighters.

The history of Clipper dates back to 1972, when the Spanish company Flamagas S.A. founded the company. The idea behind Clipper was to create a lighter that was more environmentally friendly and versatile than the lighters available on the market at the time. The first Clipper lighter was manufactured and sold in Barcelona, Spain in 1972.

Clipper lighters are characterized by their design. They are available in many different colors and designs and often have unique images or patterns on the front or back. Another feature of Clipper lighters is that they are refillable. This means that you can use them again and again without throwing them away and thus harming the environment.

Another feature of Clipper lighters is that they come with a replaceable flint. This means that you can simply replace the flint when it wears out, instead of having to throw away the entire lighter. This feature also contributes to the environmental friendliness of Clipper lighters.

Clipper has produced many different types of lighters over the years, including standard lighters, mini lighters, and gas lighters. Clipper lighters are also available in a variety of sizes, from small pocket lighters to larger tabletop lighters. Some Clipper lighters also have additional features, such as a bottle opener or a tamper that can be used when tamping tobacco.

Clipper lighters are not only popular with consumers, but also with the cannabis community. This is because Clipper lighters also come with an integrated tamper that can be used to plug joints. This is another feature that highlights the versatility of Clipper lighters.

Clipper has received many awards over the years for its environmentally friendly products and social responsibility. The company has established a foundation dedicated to environmental protection and also supports many social projects and organizations.

Hemp Wicks

Hemp wicks have become increasingly popular in recent years and are used by many people as an alternative to the classic butane gas lighter. These wicks are made of hemp fibers and wax, are biodegradable, and offer an environmentally friendly way to light your herbs or tobacco. In this text we will look at the history of Hemp Wicks and how they evolved into what they are today.

Using hemp to light fires is an ancient practice. In fact, archaeologists have found evidence that hemp was used to light fires thousands of years ago. However, in recent decades, the use of hemp as fuel has been on the decline as more and more synthetic materials have come onto the market that were more convenient and easier to use.

The rediscovery of hemp as a fuel began in the late 1990s, when more and more people began to take an interest in alternative and environmentally friendly lifestyles. The idea of using hemp as a fuel was seen by many as a way to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce environmental impact.

Hemp Wicks were first produced in the early 2000s by a company called I-Tal Hemp Wick. The company was founded by a man named Pati Vitez, who was interested in alternative lifestyles and environmentally friendly products. Vitez felt that Hemp Wicks could be a more environmentally friendly alternative to butane gas lighters and began making and selling his own wicks.

In the years that followed, the popularity of Hemp Wicks grew steadily, and more and more companies began making and selling their own. Today, there are a variety of companies producing Hemp Wicks, from small, handmade wicks to mass production companies selling them all over the world.

Hemp Wicks have many advantages over butane gas lighters. They are more environmentally friendly because they are made from natural materials, are biodegradable, and do not contain toxic chemicals. They are also safer to use because they do not emit flammable gases, making them less of a fire hazard than butane gas lighters. In addition, Hemp Wicks emit a cleaner and tasteless flavor, which is important to many people.

Overall, Hemp Wicks are an interesting alternative to the classic butane gas lighter and offer an eco-friendly way to light your herbs or tobacco. The popularity of Hemp Wicks is expected to continue to grow as more and more people look for more eco-friendly and sustainable products.

Lighter Leash

Lighter Leash is a small but useful accessory that helps smokers to have their lighter always at hand. The pull-out cord makes it easy to remove the lighter and retract it after use. The clip is designed to be attached to a belt loop, pocket or keychain so the lighter is always within reach. This makes Lighter Leash a practical and effective accessory for smokers.