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Dab Nails

Dabs, dabs, dabs! But before the fun starts, you need the right equipment, and that includes the Dab Nail. After all, it's partly responsible for turning your extracts and co. into soothing vapour. Here at the Donaulife Headshop we offer you a selection of different dab nails in all kinds of sizes and materials!

17,90 incl. VAT
19,90 incl. VAT
8,90 12,90 incl. VAT
19,90 incl. VAT
24,90 - 29,90 incl. VAT
11,90 19,90 incl. VAT
19,90 24,90 incl. VAT
6,90 9,90 incl. VAT
7,99 incl. VAT
9,99 incl. VAT
7,99 9,99 incl. VAT
6,99 - 9,99 incl. VAT
9,99 incl. VAT
19,90 incl. VAT

What is a Dab Nail?

The Dab Nail is essential for dabbing, because it can be compared with the Bong head of a water pipe. The extract is collected in the nail, where it is then heated by it and finally turned into steam - without any combustion. However, before this process can take place, the dab nail must be heated with an ignition source, such as a Gas burner, to heat it up. The Dab Tool has the ability to absorb heat quickly and hold it for a while. Next, insert your Dabber with the extract into the nail. The hot nail then heats the herbal extract and causes it to evaporate.

Types of Dab Nails

The nail should fulfil two factors: it must be able to withstand high temperatures and it should also be robust in general. After all, no one wants the nail to crack from the heat and injure them! Furthermore, the choice of the dab nail to be used has a significant influence on the quality of your dab. Therefore, we will now explain the advantages and disadvantages of the respective materials.

Glass Nails

+ Glass nails are good value for money.
+ Glass is completely tasteless

- The material is a good conductor of heat, but can damage or break at higher temperatures, which are necessary for some concentrates. Therefore, it is more suitable for low-temp dabs.
- Residues can accumulate more easily and are more difficult to remove. This can affect the performance of your dab bong.
- Glass is known to have an increased risk of breakage due to its fragility.

Ceramic Nails

+ Ceramic stores heat well and for a long time and thus maintains the ideal temperature for a few minutes. However, you also have to heat the material longer until it is at the ideal temperature.
+ Ceramic produces tasteful dabs.
+ Compared to glass, ceramic is more durable and practical. It has a good price-performance ratio.

- Ceramic nails should not be heated too much, otherwise they will become brittle in the long run.
- Similar to glass, ceramic is slightly more fragile.

Quartz Nails

+ Quartz conducts heat very well and therefore heats up quickly.
+ It also withstands high temperatures and is therefore ideal for high-temp dabs.
+ Quartz is also completely tasteless.
+ Compared to glass and ceramics, quartz is somewhat more stable and can also fall to the floor.

- As quickly as it absorbs heat, it also releases the heat again and cools down.

+ / - Quartz nails are slightly more expensive, but are definitely worth the investment due to their durability and superior performance.

Titanium Nails

+ The material is extremely robust and at the same time extremely light.
+ Titanium is particularly durable, corrosion-resistant and non-toxic.
+ Titanium nails heat up quickly and retain heat for a relatively long time.
+ It can withstand temperatures of over 1500°C. Consequently, titanium nails are ideal for high-temp dabs.

- The material is basically tasteless, but some concentrates may have a slightly metallic aftertaste.
- With frequent use, the titanium nail can oxidise. This then leads to a loss of performance.

+ / - Titanium nails are among the most expensive nails. However, it is worth buying a titanium nail as it is an absolute high performance product and has a longevity like no other.

Buy Dab Nail at Donaulife Headshop