There are already various CBD products on the market and each one can have positive effects on the body and mind. However, CBD crystals are the pinnacle of CBD products. They have the highest concentration of CBD and are the purest form of all products. Here you will find some of the best products currently available.

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CBD Crystals - what is it?

This type of CBD product is extracted from European certified hemp plants. Three different methods can be used to extract it from the plant: solvent extraction, oil extraction andCO2 extraction. It should be noted that althoughCO2 extraction is the most expensive option, it is also the most effective and pure of the three possible variants.

The finished CBD crystals have a CBD content of at least 98 percent and are similar in appearance to powdered sugar. They are completely free of additives and harmful substances, because already at the plant neither herbicides nor pesticides were used. The crystals are odorless and tasteless. The remaining percent on hundred represent traces of terpenes and other cannabinoids. CBD Crystals are the purest form of CBD and completely free of THC. Thus, they do not have a psychoactive effect and are therefore legal in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.


As already mentioned, CBD crystals have the highest purity of CBD. They have the same positive effects on the body and mind as all other CBD products. However, because they are so pure and unadulterated, you need less in terms of quantity than you would with any other. For this reason, you shouldn't be put off by the price, as the smaller portions mean that the crystals also extend over a longer period of time. However, a precision scale would be advisable for the portioning, because should be portioned in milligrams.

Possible positive effects on body and mind

- Reduce inflammation
- Relieve anxiety
- Help with sleep problems
- Relieve aches and chronic pain
- Help with stress, nervousness and depression
- Use with autoimmune and nervous diseases

Further use of CBD crystals

The pure crystals can also be used to make many other CBD products. Here are some examples:

CBD oil: For this purpose, you mix the crystals with hemp, olive or coconut oil and can thus determine the strength of your oil yourself. 1 gram of CBD crystals in 10 milliliters of oil produces a CBD content of 10 percent.

CBD Liquid: Mix the crystals into the preferred e-liquid and shake well to dissolve completely.

CBD skin care products: Take the desired skin care product (skin cream, body lotion, etc.) and mix it with CBD crystals. This creates a tincture which can be absorbed through the skin.

Buy CBD Crystals at Donaulife Headshop