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RAW Papers

RAW Papers are by far the most successful innovation on the paper market in recent decades. A brand that is still so young, which has taken the smoking culture by storm and even become a lifestyle. The message is simple: natural rolling papers without chemical additives and processes. Natural, uncultivated plant fibres serve as the basis.

13,90 14,90 incl. VAT
10,90 12,90 incl. VAT
29,40 36,90 incl. VAT
28,44 36,90 incl. VAT
39,90 44,90 incl. VAT
1,33 1,99 incl. VAT
1,90 2,90 incl. VAT
18,90 22,90 incl. VAT
5,99 6,49 incl. VAT
12,90 incl. VAT
1,59 1,79 incl. VAT
1,49 incl. VAT
0,99 1,19 incl. VAT
2,10 2,30 incl. VAT
1,90 - 19,00 incl. VAT
1,90 2,50 incl. VAT
5,79 6,50 incl. VAT
6,99 7,99 incl. VAT
22,90 24,90 incl. VAT
6,90 7,90 incl. VAT
79,90 89,90 incl. VAT
4,70 4,90 incl. VAT
15,90 17,90 incl. VAT
18,99 21,90 incl. VAT
8,90 9,90 incl. VAT
12,90 incl. VAT
19,90 24,90 incl. VAT
7,77 9,90 incl. VAT
1,90 - 2,90 incl. VAT
1,19 incl. VAT
9,99 14,99 incl. VAT
8,90 11,00 incl. VAT
24,90 29,90 incl. VAT
9,90 12,90 incl. VAT
9,90 - 19,90 incl. VAT
9,90 - 14,90 incl. VAT
14,90 19,90 incl. VAT
24,90 27,90 incl. VAT
6,66 9,99 incl. VAT
6,90 9,90 incl. VAT
13,90 14,90 incl. VAT
44,90 49,90 incl. VAT
24,90 incl. VAT
37,90 39,90 incl. VAT
37,90 39,90 incl. VAT
11,90 - 19,90 incl. VAT
1,55 2,49 incl. VAT
2,66 2,99 incl. VAT
14,90 - 19,90 incl. VAT

History and origins

In our opinion, the story around RAW Papers is worthy of a film. It has all the emotion a good story needs. It all started with a Rice Paper and a magic trick Josh Kesselman's father showed him when he was 5 years old. From that moment on, Josh fell in love with Rolling Papers and became fascinated with the whole subject matter. In 1993, the RAW founder opened a small smoke shop in Gainesville, Florida with only 500 dollars. Over the years, his business became more and more successful and he could already call six smoke shops his own. But in 1996, a hard fallout awaited him. Josh sold a young lady a bong. Nothing unusual in principle, but unfortunately her father worked for the US government. There was a big raid and Josh had to close all his shops and was under house arrest for a while.

All that didn't stop the RAW Papers founder and he moved to Arizona the same year to open a delivery and distribution smoke shop called HBI. This time, however, without bongs in the assortment. By 1997, the company was expanding again when Josh met the owner of an old rolling paper factory in Alcoy, Spain. He was looking for a partner to bring new products to the market. Josh joined this project and developed two brands that are still very well known today: Juicy Jay's and Elements.

But Josh wanted more. He wanted to develop a natural rolling paper on a vegan basis that is completely free of chemicals and contains no additives. There was nothing like it at the time. So in 2004, he invested a million dollars in a supplier of natural, unprocessed and unbleached hemp fibre. The investment was risky, but registered more and more success over time. In 2005, RAW finally started mass production. Today, RAW papers are among the most popular rolling papers on the entire market.

RAW Papers

Nowadays, these fine leaves are still produced and manufactured in the Alcoy region in Spain. No genetically modified organisms are used in the production. Wind energy is fed into the production process to make it more sustainable. All RAW papers are gluten-free, vegan and free from chlorine, bleach or other chemicals. Their special criss-cross watermark ensures an even and smooth burn. The natural acacia gum is sustainably harvested and comes from the Ethiopia/Senegal region. The acacia resin is harvested by tapping from the trees, similar to maple syrup, then filtered, pasteurised and only then applied to the papers.

As you can see, RAW Papers are really something special. If you want to learn more about RAW and its founder Josh Kesselman, take a look at this interesting interview with him.

Buy RAW Papers & Co. at Donaulife Headshop