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Papers from hemp

Diese Blättchen werden rein aus Hanffasern hergestellt. Das Drehpapier ist dadurch ein wenig dicker als vergleichbare ‘Reis-Papers’, was sie zugleich reisfester und somit einfacher zu verarbeiten macht. Die Gummierung besteht wie bei den meisten Papers aus Arabic Gum.

2,50 - 6,50 incl. VAT
0,99 1,19 incl. VAT
2,10 2,30 incl. VAT
5,79 6,50 incl. VAT
6,99 7,99 incl. VAT
22,90 24,90 incl. VAT
6,90 7,90 incl. VAT
1,29 1,40 incl. VAT
22,90 24,90 incl. VAT
2,90 3,90 incl. VAT

Buy Hemp Papers Made Easy

Hemp paper is made from hemp fibers and is a popular choice for rolling cigarettes or other smoking products. Hemp is a fast-growing plant that is highly resistant to pests and diseases and can therefore be grown without the use of pesticides. For this reason, hemp paper is an environmentally friendly alternative to paper from other sources.

Hemp paper is thin, yet strong, making it an ideal choice for leaf. It also has the advantage of burning slowly and evenly when smoked, resulting in a pleasant smoking experience. Hemp paper is available in various sizes and thicknesses to meet the needs of consumers.

In addition to being environmentally friendly, hemp paper also has some health benefits. Unlike paper made from wood, hemp paper does not contain chemicals that can be released when burned. It is also less likely to produce ash or pollutants that can be inhaled when smoked.

Overall, hemp paper is a popular choice for leaflets due to its environmental friendliness, slow and even burn rate, and potential health benefits.

Buy Hemp Rolling Papers at Donaulife Headshop